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By 2021, 5G chips will reach the level of 5 nanometers, and Shanghai has released the development target of 5G industry

♔By 2021, 5G chips will reach the level of 5 nanometers, and Shanghai has released the development target of 5G industry

Recently, the Shanghai economic and information committee issued "Shanghai 5 g industry development and application of innovation action plan for three years (2019-2021)" (hereinafter referr
Suddenly turn around! ARM backtrack commitment, domestic chips again encountered challenges

🌞Suddenly turn around! ARM backtrack commitment, domestic chips again encountered challenges

Huawei, apple, samsung and qualcomm are all famous global technology giants, whose chip products have reached the world-class level. Although the chip technology of these big factories is very advance
Samsung electronics has expanded its range of lighting LED devices based on flip chip technology

ꦡSamsung electronics has expanded its range of lighting LED devices based on flip chip technology

Samsung electronics will participate in 9 solstice 12 international lighting expo held in guangzhou, China, to reveal the main technology strategy and new products. Samsung's participation in the
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