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3.5W Ultra Low-EMI Anti-Clipping Mono Class D Audio Power Amplifier
  • 🍃Patented technology (EDMA) to reduce the internal Rdson and heat loss, increase the output power

    Po=3.5 W (VDD=5.0V, RL=4Ω, THD+N=10%)

    Po=5.5 W (VDD=5.0V, RL=2Ω, THD+N=10%)

  • Excellent EMI Suppression Performance

    ♋a) Using Patented technology (AROC, Active edge Ringing and Overshoot Control circuitry)

    🔴b) The emission level is highly lower than FCC Part15 Class B standard

    𒆙c) Without interference to FM radio, CMMB, GSM, CDMA, Bluetooth and any other sensitive modules with different bands;

    ꦐd) The difficulty of system design is reduced

  • THD+N=0.05% (RL=4Ω, PO=1W, f=1kHz)

  • Low noise, High SNR

  • Anti-Clipping Function (ACF)

  • Excellent Click-Pop Noise reduction function

  • Low Shutdown Current, 0.01µA

  • Filter-less Modulation, Eliminating Output Filter

  • 🦹Over Current Protection, Thermal Protection, Low voltage malfunction prevention function included

  • Pb-Free Packages, SOP8L, SOP8L-PP, DFN8L(5mm*6mm)

  • LCD TV/Monitor 

  • Portable Gamers

  • Bluetooth Speakers
  • Portable Speakers

  • 2.1 Channel Speakers
  • Megaphone

  • iPhone/iPad docking
  • MP4/GPS
  • Tablet PC/Note Book
  • Smart phones




SOP8L/DFN8LTerminal No.NameI/OESDcompositionFunction
1CTRLAPNShutdown and ACF control terminal
2BYPASSAPNAnalog reference terminal
3IN-APNNegative input terminal (differential -)
4IN+APNPositive input terminal (differential +)
5OUT+O-Positive output terminal (differential +)
6VDDPower-Power supply
8OUT-O-Negative output terminal (differential -)

*1: Input terminal   O: Output terminal   A: Analog terminal
🌼 when a voltage that is higher than the VDD potential is impressed into the terminal of PN (ESD protection circuit is composed of PMOS and NMOS), the leakage current flows through the protection circuit of PMOS. 

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