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75W PBTL/30W BTL Class D Stereo Amplifier with AM Avoidance
HT317 is a stereo efficient, Class-D audio amplifier for driving speakers up to 75W/4 Ω in mono PBTL. It can also deliver 2×30W/8Ω power in stereo BTL.HT317 features 2 different power limit functions. One is power clipper (PCLP), which can clip the output voltage under a preset level; another one is AGC which can limit the output music under a preset level without clipping.Thermal Foldback (TFB) function is designed to protect HT317 from excessive die temperature in case of the device being operated beyond the recommended temperature or power, or with a weak thermal system, without shutting the device down.Multiple switching Frequency is selectable for HT317 to avoid AM interferences.HT317 is fully protected against faults with Overvoltage, Undervoltage, Overtemperature, DC-detect, and Overcurrent protection. Faults can be reported to the processor to prevent devices from being damaged

  • Output Power (BTL)
    2×30W (VDD=24V, RL=8Ω, THD+N=1%)
    2×23W (VDD=14V, RL=4Ω, THD+N=10%)

  • Output Power (PBTL)
    75W (VDD=24V, RL=4Ω, THD+N=10%)

  • Single Wide Voltage Supply: 4.5V-26V
  • Efficiency > 90%
  • Optional Power Limit Functions: AGC and Power Clipper (PCLP)
  • Integrated Thermal Foldback (TFB) Function
  • Differential / Single-ended Analog Input, BTL or PBTL Output
  • Multiple Switching Frequency
  • Integrated Self-protection Circuits Including Overvoltage, Undervoltage, Overtemperature,
    DC-detect, and Overcurrent with Error Reporting

  • LF and HF Package of TSSOP28-PP

  • 𝓰Sound Bars           

  • Wireless Speakers

  • Consumer Audio Applications   

  • TVs/Monitors



Pin No.NameI/ODescription

SD/FAULT, multi function pin. When pulled down, place the speaker amplifier in shutdown mode.
🦂General fault reporting including Over-Temp, Over-Current, DC Detect.

2INA+IPositive input terminal for A channel
3INA-INegative input terminal for A channel
4PLIMTISet the maximum output voltage before clipping (Limiter Level)

Voltage regulator derived from PVDD supply, connect 1uF to GND (NOTE: This pin is provided as a connection point for filtering capacitors
ꦛfor this supply and must not be used to power any external circuitry)

6GAINIAdjust the gain of the speaker amplifier
7LIMISelect the mode of Digital Output Clipper or AGC
8GGNDGGround for gate drive circuitry (this terminal should be connected to the system ground)
9INB-INegative input terminal for B channel
10INB+IPositive input terminal for B channel
11AM0IAM Avoidance Frequency Selection
12AM1IAM Avoidance Frequency Selection
13MUTEIMute control terminal, the amplifier is muted when it is pulled high
14AVDDPAnalog power supply
15,16,17PVDDPPower Supply for amplifier drivers of B channel
18BSB+BSTConnection point for the OUTB+ bootstrap capacitor, which is used to create a power supply for the high-side gate drive for OUTB+
19OUTB+OPositive pin for differential speaker amplifier output B
20OUTB-ONegative pin for differential speaker amplifier output B
21BSB-BSTConnection point for the OUTB- bootstrap capacitor, which is used to create a power supply for the high-side gate drive for OUTB-
22BSA-BSTConnection point for the OUTA- bootstrap capacitor, which is used to create a power supply for the high-side gate drive for OUTA-
23OUTA-ONegative pin for differential speaker amplifier output A
24OUTA+OPositive pin for differential speaker amplifier output A
25BSA+BSTConnection point for the OUTA+ bootstrap capacitor, which is used to create a power supply for the high-side gate drive for OUTA
26,27,28PVDDPPower Supply for amplifier drivers of A channel
PADPGNDGPower ground, make sure connect it to the system ground

I: Input; O: Output; G: Ground; P: Power; BST: Boot Strap

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