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24-Bit, 192kHz Stereo D/A Converter
The HT5010/1/2 family is a low-cost stereo digital to analog converter, including interpolation, multibit D/A conversion and output analog filtering in a 10-pin package.The device family can accept multiple audio formats up to 24-bit word length.The device family is based on an advanced multi-bit Δ-Σ modulator to convert data into two channel analog outputs with a linear analog low-pass filter. The multi-bit Δ-Σ modulator makes the device with very low sensitivity to clock jitter and very low out-of-band noise. It also includes auto speed mode detection using both sample rate and master clock ratio as a method of auto-selecting sampling rates between 2 kHz and 200 kHz.The device family contains on-chip digital deemphasis, operates from a single +3.3 V power supply, and requires minimal support circuitry. These features are ideal for DVD players & recorders, digital televisions, home theater and set top box products, and automotive audio systems.The device family is available in a 10-pin MSOP package.
  • Multiple audio data interface formats, up to 24-bit
  • Automatically Detects Sample Rates up to 192kHz
  • 105dB Dynamic Range
  • -90dB THD+N
  • Multi-bit Delta-Sigma Modulator
  • 3.3V Single Power Supply
  • Low Clock-Jitter Sensitivity
  • Filtered Line-Level Outputs
  • On-chip Digital De-emphasis
  • Output pop-noise Minimization
  • Small 10-pin MSOP Package
  • Speakers
  • TV sets
  • DVD Player
  • Set top box
  • Digital Photo Frame 
  • DVD recorder
  • Home theater 
  • Automotive audio system


1SDINISerial audio data input.
2DEM/SCLK IDe-emphasis / external serial clock input
3LRCKILeft right clock
4MCLKIMaster clock
5VQOFilter connection for internal quiescent voltage
6FILT+OPositive reference voltage for the internal sampling
7AOUTLOLeft channel analog output
9VAPAnalog power supply
10AOUTRORight channel analog output
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