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1-channel DC Motor Driver for Toy
The HR1124S、HR1154D is a 1-channel H-bridge driver IC for DC motor application. It has the features of low stand-by current, low operating current, large current output and low RDSON. Those features make it suitable for toy.When load motor with low internal resistance is in locked rotor or output is short-circuit, HR1124S、HR1154D output current will increase momentarily, power dissipation of the circuit will go up sharply, and the chip temperature will soar. But, when the chip temperature exceeds a maximum temperature point (typically 150℃) set by internal temperature protection circuit, the internal circuit will switch off the on-chip power switching transistor of It,and switch off load current, preventing potential safety hazards such as fuming, ligniting, etc. of plastic package caused by over-high temperature. Only after having confirmed that the circuit has returned to safety temperature, can the on-chip temperature hysteresis circuit be allowed to re-control the circuit.



l channel H-bridge driver built-in power PMOS and NMOS.l The driver with forward, reverse, stop and brake function.l Low stand-by and operating current.l Low on-resistance. (0.3 Ω ), continuous current :     HR1124S:1.2A(SOP8);HR1154D:1.5A(DIP8);Low voltage operation.Built-in thermal shutdown function.RoHS Compliant


  • Toy motor drive with 2-4 batteries
  • Electronic toy robot

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