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9V,7A Non-Synchronous Boost Converter
The HT8903 is a non-synchronous boost converter integrated with a 60mΩ power switch to provide a high efficiency and small size solution in portable systems.The HT8903 has an input voltage range from 2.5 V to 9V to support applications with single cell and two cell Lithium batteries. The device has 7A switch current capability and can provide an output voltage up to 9V.A function of adjustable Current limitation is available to protect HT8903 from over current during operation, and to prevent the battery from being over-pulled caused by an overload.The HT8903 is available in SOP8L-PP, with very limited external components, so that it provides space-saving PCB for various applications.The HT8903 provides 10V output overvoltage protection, and thermal shutdown protection.
  • Input voltage range VIN: 2.5V to 8.5V

  • Output voltage range VOUT: VIN to 9V

  • Internal Fixed PWM Frequency: 600kHz
  • Internal 60mΩ, 7A power MOSFET
  • High Efficiency

    88% (VIN = 3.7V, VOUT=7.5V, IOUT =1A)

  • Adjustable Current Limitation
  • Output overvoltage protection (at 10V), thermal shutdown protection
  • Pb-free Packages, SOP8L-PP
  • Smart Speakers 
  • Wireless Speakers
  • Portable Speakers 
  • E-Cigarette
  • Power bank
  • Outdoor Speakers


Terminal No.NameI/ODescription
1ILIMOAdjustable switch peak current limit. An external resister paralleled with a 100pF capacitor should be connected between this pin and the GND pin.
2,3SWPThe switching node pin of the converter. 
4VINIIC power supply input.
5ENIEnable logic input. Logic high level enables the device. Logic low level disables the device.
6EAOUTOError amplifier output. Connect a 3.3nF capacity paralleled with 15k resistor to GND. 
7FBIRegulator Feedback Input. 
8VOUTIBoost Converter voltage detect pin. 
9GNDGPower ground. Also provides thermal connection from the device to the board. A matching ground pad should be provided on the PCB and the device connected to it via solder.

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